Too Sweet: McDonald’s Cookies & Creme Pie!

McDonald'sEarlier today, the kids and I headed over to a McDonald’s in Brooklyn where we jumped back in time to 1982. (More on that another time…)

While looking over the menu, I was happy to come across a new menu item. In the Sweets & Treats section, I saw a Cookies & Creme Pie being offered. While I rarely eat McDonald’s at home, when a new menu item is offered, I’ll give it a try.

A Cookies & Creme Pie costs $1.99. You can also order a 2 pack for $2.99. Talk about a sweet deal! ๐Ÿ™‚a chocolate pie in a boxThe sweet treat came in a generic McCafe Pie box. When I opened up the pie, it smelled great and it looked pretty interesting, too. I guess you can say the pie resembled a Hot Pocket.

I couldn’t wait to give it a try…a brown rectangular object next to a boxI had high hopes for this new dessert. When I picked up the pie, it was a nice and warm- probably best to eat soon after getting it.

When I took the first bite, I was impressed. The chocolatey cookie shell had a nice texture and pretty good flavor. However, after finishing off the bite and taking another, I noticed a problem.a hand holding a chocolate dessertThe creme inside was pretty thick, extremely sweet and overpowering. It reminded me of a massive marshmallow. I can’t say I’m a big fan of marshmallows so no, I didn’t really care for this flavor.

It would be nice if McDonald’s could replace the thick marshmallowy filling with a thinner, gooier and less sweet cream. Maybe they’d have something then.

The McD’s Cookies & Creme Pie is a hard pass if you ask me.

Check out my McDonald’s Reviews:

McDonald’s McMansions in the United States

Single Arch McD’s Signs

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