Review: Forget 7-Eleven, We Visited 24Seven in India!

24SevenDuring our trip to India during the Summer of 2019, we saw a bunch of familiar American fast food restaurants. We dined at McDonald’s a handful of times and KFC once (it was extremely spicy).

When purchasing drinks and snacks, we did so from shops which weren’t exactly what I’d consider to be stores.

Kim and I did read about a convenience store which sounded a lot like 7-Eleven. The store has the very creative name, 24Seven! Continue reading Review: Forget 7-Eleven, We Visited 24Seven in India!

Queen Elizabeth Is Selling Buckingham Palace Gin To Raise Money

Buckingham Palace
image: Royal Collection Shop

I didn’t realize that the Queen of England was in the liquor business…

Lonely Planet reports that, “Buckingham Palace, Queen Elizabeth II’s residence in London, has released a gin that’s infused with 12 botanicals hand-picked straight from the palace’s gardens.” Continue reading Queen Elizabeth Is Selling Buckingham Palace Gin To Raise Money

A Must Visit In Asheville, North Carolina- Hole Doughnuts

Hole DoughnutsOver Winter Break 2019, the Michael W Travels family went on a Deep South Road Trip.

During the trip we visited five states,  Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee, Alabama and North Carolina.

One of the highlights was our visit to Asheville, North Carolina. The city has a great mix of interesting sites, breweries and lots of great food. I’d consider it an awesome junk foodie destination! Continue reading A Must Visit In Asheville, North Carolina- Hole Doughnuts

NYC’s Prince Street Pizza Is Expanding With New LA Shop This Summer

Prince Street PizzaWhen you stop by NYC’s Prince Street Pizza, odds are pretty hight that there will be a line. (I’m not sure how true that is at the moment due to the COVID-19 pandemic though.)

The shop is known for a variety of tasty pizzas, especially their Soho Squares topped with pepperoni. The shop is also famous for being in the location of the of the first Ray’s Pizza. Continue reading NYC’s Prince Street Pizza Is Expanding With New LA Shop This Summer

Contributor Ridiculous Street Signs #16: Cebu City- Jesus Is My All…

Cebu CityI love coming across funny signs both at home and while traveling around the world. Most of the time these signs aren’t meant to be funny, regardless, humor can be found in them.

From time to time, I post about funny signs which I like to call, Ridiculous Street Signs.

For the past few years, I’ve been a member of a Facebook group called, Every Passport Stamp. In the group, you can ask questions about harder to reach destinations and get lots of great tips and advice from a group full of experienced travelers. Continue reading Contributor Ridiculous Street Signs #16: Cebu City- Jesus Is My All…

US Borders With Mexico & Canada Closed, Ridiculous Street Signs, US Cruises Banned By CDC Through September, 87-Year Old NYC Pizzeria & More- The Rehash!


Since going away for a night over July 4th weekend, there hasn’t really been much to report when it comes to miles, points and travel.

I’ve been busy taking classes and at this point, it looks like the only travel we’ll probably do next month is a road trip. Continue reading US Borders With Mexico & Canada Closed, Ridiculous Street Signs, US Cruises Banned By CDC Through September, 87-Year Old NYC Pizzeria & More- The Rehash!

Bahamas Closes To US, Notre Dame To Be Restored To How It Was, CT Mayor Suing Delta Over Dog Bite, Country Offers $4K If You Get COVID & More- Travel News!

Travel News

Travel News:

Continue reading Bahamas Closes To US, Notre Dame To Be Restored To How It Was, CT Mayor Suing Delta Over Dog Bite, Country Offers $4K If You Get COVID & More- Travel News!

Grab A Pie At 87 Year-Old Patsy’s Pizzeria In East Harlem, NYC

Patsy's PizzeriaLast month, I wrote about how my family got to eat a meal from NYC’s most exclusive restaurant. The restaurant is located in NYC’s East Harlem neighborhood which is a bit of a trip for us from our home in Brooklyn.

Whenever we find ourselves so far uptown, there’s a pizzeria that we have to visit. Grabbing a pie (or a few slices) from Patsy’s Pizzeria is a real treat and also pretty much a bargain. Continue reading Grab A Pie At 87 Year-Old Patsy’s Pizzeria In East Harlem, NYC

US Cruises Banned By CDC Through September

US Cruises
image: pixabay

At the moment, it’s pretty difficult for Americans to travel anywhere besides within the country and that isn’t even so simple.

Yesterday, I shared news that the US borders with Canada and Mexico are closed until late August.

A couple of days back, the CDC “banned all US cruises through September after it documented thousands of onboard coronavirus infections as well as “ongoing” outbreaks on ships,” according to the New York Post. Continue reading US Cruises Banned By CDC Through September

US Borders With Canada & Mexico CLOSED Until Late August

US Border
image: Twitter @DHS_Wolf

The Coronavirus Pandemic has made traveling tough throughout the world. Currently, the American passport isn’t of much use if you’d like to travel to a long list of destinations.

Many Americans are hitting the roads, taking road trips to fulfill their desire for wanderlust.

If you’d like to drive over the border into Canada or Mexico, you’ll now need to wait a bit longer. Continue reading US Borders With Canada & Mexico CLOSED Until Late August