Tag Archives: Smarter Travel

Most Ridiculous Reasons For Being Kicked Off Of A Plane

kicked off
image: airbus newsroom

There are many legitimate reasons for being kicked off of a plane. I think of things like being verbally or physically abusive to others on the flight, trying to self-upgrade to a premium cabin and other things along those lines.

Then there are some questionable or ridiculous reasons for being kicked off of a flight.

Smarter Travel came up with a list of 9 Outrageous Reasons To Get Kicked Off A Plane. Continue reading Most Ridiculous Reasons For Being Kicked Off Of A Plane

Win $500 Towards Travel from Smarter Travel & Jetsetter

smarter travel

Smarter Travel and Jetsetter are “giving away $500 for the perfect weekend getaway” in a giveaway being ran through Instagram.

Instagram is a fun way to share photos. Here is what I’d consider one of the most interesting travel-related accounts. You can check out my Instagram feed and follow me here.

Here are some details about the Smarter Travel- Jetsetter Instagram contest. Continue reading Win $500 Towards Travel from Smarter Travel & Jetsetter

Travel Photos You Need To Stop Taking?

Travel Photos
image: amazon

There are certain kinds of travel photos that I like to take during trips.

A type of photo that I still take during trips but have been posting much less about are Jumping Pics. I also like to take food photos both at home and while traveling.

Smarter Travel came up with a slideshow of “11 Travel Photos You Should Stop Taking Right Now”.

I was curious to see what made the cut. Let’s take a look. Continue reading Travel Photos You Need To Stop Taking?

Travel Skills EVERY TRAVELER Should Have

Travel Skills

I’d assume that all of you reading my blog are interested in and love to travel. Most of you have probably done your fair share of travel too.

For those of us that travel a lot, are there skills that make things go smoother and easier?

I’d say that due to travel, I am a pretty organized person, I can deal with and adapt to changing situations, make good & smart decisions and am open to experiencing new things. Continue reading Travel Skills EVERY TRAVELER Should Have

New Year’s Traditions Around the World

New Years Traditions
image: Wikimedia Commons

When I think of New Years celebrations around the world, fireworks are what come to mind. There are also various lit-up things thatĀ drop- most famously the ball in Times Square in NYC.

There’s also lots of partying, excuses to wear silly hats & glasses and restaurants over-charging to eat out on this very special night. Continue reading New Year’s Traditions Around the World

Odd (& Useful) Packing Tips from Smarter Travel

Smarter Travel
Cover your shoes with a shower cap

When it comes to packing for a trip the main decision I have is whether or not I’ll roll or fold, my clothes…

If I’m traveling with a backpack (I do on just about every trip), I always roll. When bringing along a suitcase, I tend to fold my things and place them in piles inside.

One packing hack that I learned from a Buzzfeed article was to place footwear in shower caps to “prevent the soles from touching your clothes“. Continue reading Odd (& Useful) Packing Tips from Smarter Travel

Europe’s Cheapest Cities To Visit

Cheap European Cities
Palace of Parliament- Bucharest, Romania

It seems like I keep reading about how now is the time to go to Europe. This is mainly due to the Euro falling close to a 1:1 exchange rage with the US dollar.

According to an article fromĀ The Guardian, “the euro has lost 35% of its value since last May“. It also fell “below $1.06 for the first time since April 2003” on Wednesday.

While the dollar is catching up to the euro, some countries and cities must still offer a better deal than others.

Smarter Travel took a look at Europe’s Cheapest Cities This year. Continue reading Europe’s Cheapest Cities To Visit

Best Airports For On-Time Performance

Best Airports
image: SmarterTravel

Are you usually on-time or late to the party?

I think that Kim and I used to always be on-time, maybe even a bit early until Lucas came along. These days, getting somewhere 15-20 minutes late is considered punctual for us!

What about when it comes to airports and airlines? Do you find flights constantly taking off later than scheduled? Is it the airports fault or the airline? Continue reading Best Airports For On-Time Performance

10 Weirdest Restaurants in the World

a couple of women sitting at a table

A couple of years back I wrote a short post about Bizarre Restaurants Around the World. I haven’t thought much about these restaurants since writing the post until writing about how you can Dine With An Unusual Guest in Japan.

If I had to think of a bizarre restaurant that we’ve eaten at I’d probably go with one that isn’t all that strange. Years back, while in Budapest we went to a restaurant called Sir Lancelot. Continue reading 10 Weirdest Restaurants in the World

Quiz: Which Exotic Island Should You Visit?

a colosseum and eiffel towerIsland vacations aren’t usually my idea of a destination for a great trip unless we’re talking about places like Australia, New Zealand, Malta and other similar locations.

The examples I gave are places where there are lots to do besides sitting on the beach. When I hear the word island, I tend to think the Caribbean. Not my favorite part of the world to visit although we had a nice time in places like Trinidad & Tobago and Barbados. (We’re actually thinking of using up Kim’s remaining Southwest points for a trip to Jamaica.) Continue reading Quiz: Which Exotic Island Should You Visit?