Happy 10th BDay Lucas- 70 Countries Visited, McDonald’s Hacks Menu, Ridiculous Street Signs #32, Travel Contests & More- The Rehash!

rehashLast week, I wrote about how I was approved for the new Capital One Venture X card. I’ve been eagerly awaiting the card’s arrival but FedEx doesn’t seem to want me to get it.

FedEx allegedly tried to deliver the card to me but failed to leave a door tag… I called Capital One two times already and at this point, they reissued the card. Hopefully, the card will show up this week. Continue reading Happy 10th BDay Lucas- 70 Countries Visited, McDonald’s Hacks Menu, Ridiculous Street Signs #32, Travel Contests & More- The Rehash!

New Disney Attractions & Experiences For 2022, Philippines Reopening Will Be Slow, Cheapest Places To Travel, United Opens Flight Academy & More- Travel News!

Travel NewsTravel News:

Continue reading New Disney Attractions & Experiences For 2022, Philippines Reopening Will Be Slow, Cheapest Places To Travel, United Opens Flight Academy & More- Travel News!

Ridiculous Street Signs #32: Attention Beware Thieves and Pickpockets- Sarajevo

Ridiculous Street SignsSince starting my site back in 2011, I’ve shared many Ridiculous Street Signs. While not all of the signs are literally ridiculous, they’re (hopefully) funny, interesting and/ or bizarre.

During our month-long trip around the Balkans (Summer 2021), I came across an interesting sign in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Continue reading Ridiculous Street Signs #32: Attention Beware Thieves and Pickpockets- Sarajevo