How To Survive A Long Haul Flight, Travel Tech Seems Archaic, Hong Kong Giving Away 500,000 Free Airline Tickets, Big Foot Is Probably A Bear & More- Travel News!

Travel NewsTravel News:

Continue reading How To Survive A Long Haul Flight, Travel Tech Seems Archaic, Hong Kong Giving Away 500,000 Free Airline Tickets, Big Foot Is Probably A Bear & More- Travel News!

64 Hours In The Landlocked Kingdom of Lesotho, Make A Valentine’s Day Reservation at White Castle & More- The Rehash!

rehashOver the weekend, we booked another flight. I had a Southwest voucher to use so it was time to redeem! More on that in a future post…

Our next trip is a little over two weeks away. I’m excited to head back to Austin, TX. (We visited during winter break in 2017). Continue reading 64 Hours In The Landlocked Kingdom of Lesotho, Make A Valentine’s Day Reservation at White Castle & More- The Rehash!

Best All-Inclusive Resorts In US, World’s Best Places To See Northern Lights, 7 Countries Have Laws Against Married Couples & More- Travel News!

Travel NewsTravel News:

Continue reading Best All-Inclusive Resorts In US, World’s Best Places To See Northern Lights, 7 Countries Have Laws Against Married Couples & More- Travel News!

Make A Valentine’s Day Reservation At White Castle!

White CastleValentine’s Day is less than three weeks away and if you don’t have plans, White Castle is here to help out!

Fast food probably isn’t the first kind of restaurant most of you would think to go for dinner on Valentine’s Day however, you can make reservations for this romantic day at White Castle! Continue reading Make A Valentine’s Day Reservation At White Castle!