How Many Countries Can You Name In 7 Minutes?

countriesI love coming across random travel quizzes.

They can vary quite a bit. Some might test your knowledge of geography, while others might ask questions so you can see what kind of traveler you are. Either way, they’re usually fun to try out.

I’ve written about many travel quizzes over the years, although it’s been a while since the last one.

Check out some of the quizzes:

In a quiz which I recently came across from Buzzfeed, they want to know, “Can You Name 100 Countries In Seven Minutes?”

This is more of a countries test than a quiz. And, once you name your 100th country (if its done in under 7 minutes, the activity stops.

I tried from my cell phone and had pretty good results:countriesI named 100 countries in 6:45! There were also quite a few typos while doing this so I assumed that I could probably top the number from my laptop.

So how did I do with this countries quiz this time? The results were much better.countriesI was able to name 100 countries in 5:03! I probably could’ve done better if not for some spelling errors!

How do you think you could do? If you decide to give this quiz a try, a few strategies to consider is listing countries in the order (or close to) that you visited them. An even better option is probably just to list them in groups by region etc.

Take the Buzzfeed quiz here and let us know how you did in the comments!

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