Category Archives: Travel News

Get Local Artisanal Ice Cream on JetBlue Mint Flights!

JetBlue mint

I’ve only heard great things about JetBlue Mint service. Maybe one day I’ll have the opportunity to give it a try. The only problem is that it can be pricey when flying with a family of 4!

For those of you that get to fly JetBlue Mint, you can now expect “a locally curated ice cream program” according to a press release. This definitely sounds interesting to me! Continue reading Get Local Artisanal Ice Cream on JetBlue Mint Flights!

Virgin Australia Wants Over $6,000 To Switch Last Name on Ticket!

virgin australia

A couple decided to book a flight for their honeymoon with Virgin Australia before getting married. It may’ve been better for the bride to wait to switch her last name until after their big trip.

Brendan and Julie Widdowson booked their flight with Virgin Australia last year and got married this past February. They’d be visiting Croatia, Montenegro and Albania. Continue reading Virgin Australia Wants Over $6,000 To Switch Last Name on Ticket!

Bourdain’s Fav Foodie Airport, United Ends Cooperation w. Middle East Carriers, Planes Aren’t Getting Faster, Most Beautiful US Cities & More- Travel News

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Continue reading Bourdain’s Fav Foodie Airport, United Ends Cooperation w. Middle East Carriers, Planes Aren’t Getting Faster, Most Beautiful US Cities & More- Travel News

United Airline’s Big Mistake, Disney’s Star Wars Land, Most Welcoming Countries, Bangkok Street Food Ban, Gordon Ramsay Won’t Sit With Kids on Plane & More- Travel News

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Continue reading United Airline’s Big Mistake, Disney’s Star Wars Land, Most Welcoming Countries, Bangkok Street Food Ban, Gordon Ramsay Won’t Sit With Kids on Plane & More- Travel News

Air Canada Bumps Woman, Misses $10,000 Dream Trip

Air Canada
image: Aero Shots

Recently, I wrote about a family that received $11,000 for giving up their seats on Delta Airlines. The family agreed to voluntarily give them up and cashed in!

On the opposite end of the spectrum you can be selected to be bumped when a flight is over sold. This can cause many headaches, especially if you have a pricey dream trip already booked at the destination you are flying to.

This is what happened to a woman who was supposed to fly with Air Canada to Miami. Continue reading Air Canada Bumps Woman, Misses $10,000 Dream Trip

Wife of Merrell Boots Founder Missing in Grand Canyon National Park

image: Twitter

The wife of the founder of Merrell Boots has gone missing in Grand Canyon National Park.

Lou-Anne Merrell was on a family trip when she “fell in the rushing water”, according to Yahoo by a remote creek. Her step-grandson, Jackson Standefer is also missing. Continue reading Wife of Merrell Boots Founder Missing in Grand Canyon National Park

Couple Flying to Destination Wedding Kicked Off United Airlines Flight

United Airlines
image: wikicommons

United Airlines hasn’t had a good month. They’re taking hits in the media and customers are pissed off about how they handled a passenger being forcibly removed from an oversold flight.

They’ve also had a scorpion sting a passenger during a flight. (I don’t think we can really blame the airline for that one!)

Over the weekend a couple was supposed to fly to Costa Rica for their destination wedding when they got kicked off of their United Airlines flight! Continue reading Couple Flying to Destination Wedding Kicked Off United Airlines Flight

Surviving 14 Hours in Coach, Best Value Destinations, Money-Saving Travel Tips, Mistakes Made Booking Flights, Cheap Airlines Around the World & More- Travel News

Travel News

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Continue reading Surviving 14 Hours in Coach, Best Value Destinations, Money-Saving Travel Tips, Mistakes Made Booking Flights, Cheap Airlines Around the World & More- Travel News