Category Archives: Travel News

No One Cares About Your Travels, TWA Hotel Food Court Closed By Health Inspectors, World’s 1st Guitar- Shaped Hotel, Deaths On Mt Everest Due To Long Waits, Patagonia Suing Anheuser-Busch Over Beer & More- Travel News!

Travel NewsTravel News:

Continue reading No One Cares About Your Travels, TWA Hotel Food Court Closed By Health Inspectors, World’s 1st Guitar- Shaped Hotel, Deaths On Mt Everest Due To Long Waits, Patagonia Suing Anheuser-Busch Over Beer & More- Travel News!

Taco Bell Is Opening A Hotel This Summer

Taco Bell
image: Taco Bell

I wouldn’t consider myself a big fan of Taco Bell but I do like to eat it once every few years.

The biggest news regarding the brand in recent years was when they started opening Taco Bell Cantina restaurants. says the restaurants “features an urban restaurant design, open kitchen, custom menu with shareable appetizers and alcoholic beverages. Yes, you read that right. A Taco Bell with beer, wine, sangria and twisted Freezes“. Continue reading Taco Bell Is Opening A Hotel This Summer

Game of Thrones Fans Will Want To Travel For This…

Game of Thrones
Dunluce Castle- (Castle Greyjoy in GoT)

Game of Thrones ended a couple of days back and it’s been one of the hottest topics.

I’ve been asked many times if I watch the show.

While I can’t say that I’ve ever seen an episode, I have visited various sites (in Malta and Northern Ireland) which happened to have been featured in the show.

If you’re a Game of Thrones fan, you might want to take a trip to Split, Croatia. Continue reading Game of Thrones Fans Will Want To Travel For This…

Ending Convo With Annoying Seatmate On Plane, Cleanest Gas Station Bathrooms, Accused Of War Crimes- Approved To Drive For Uber & Lyft, Top Destinations For Summer & More- Travel News!

travel newsTravel News:

Continue reading Ending Convo With Annoying Seatmate On Plane, Cleanest Gas Station Bathrooms, Accused Of War Crimes- Approved To Drive For Uber & Lyft, Top Destinations For Summer & More- Travel News!

American Citizens Needing Help In Austria Can Head Over To McDonald’s

a fast food restaurant with a red light
(Not a McD’s in Austria)

While we rarely visit McDonald’s at home, the Michael W Travels family always visits McD’s when visiting a new country.

We visit McDonald’s primarily to check out what local menu items might be available and for the kids, it’s always a special and exciting treat.

If you’re an American citizen and happen to be in Austria, now there’s another helpful reason to visit the golden arches. Continue reading American Citizens Needing Help In Austria Can Head Over To McDonald’s

Delta Testing Free Wi-Fi, Notre Dame Rebuild Plans, Best Time To Book Hotels, Get Kicked Off A Plane For This, Japan Warned Not To Run Out Of Beer, Best BBQ In US & More- Travel News!

Travel News

Travel News:

Continue reading Delta Testing Free Wi-Fi, Notre Dame Rebuild Plans, Best Time To Book Hotels, Get Kicked Off A Plane For This, Japan Warned Not To Run Out Of Beer, Best BBQ In US & More- Travel News!

Airline Ticket Hacks, $500 Uber Mistake, Woman Saves $85- Wears 9Lbs Of Clothing, Prince Charles Opening B&B, Statue of Liberty Overtourism Concerns, Uber For Trains & More- Travel News!

Travel NewsTravel News:

Continue reading Airline Ticket Hacks, $500 Uber Mistake, Woman Saves $85- Wears 9Lbs Of Clothing, Prince Charles Opening B&B, Statue of Liberty Overtourism Concerns, Uber For Trains & More- Travel News!

Nude Resort Etiquette, Marriott To Take-On Airbnb, Flight Attendant Uniforms, Coolest Bar In The World, Cuba Travel Restrictions, World’s Tallest Modular Hotel, Hidden Village & More- Travel News!

Travel NewsTravel News:

Continue reading Nude Resort Etiquette, Marriott To Take-On Airbnb, Flight Attendant Uniforms, Coolest Bar In The World, Cuba Travel Restrictions, World’s Tallest Modular Hotel, Hidden Village & More- Travel News!