I am not sure that many will be flying over this Thanksgiving holidays, but if you do, you should know which foods can and can not fly.
Besides food purchased past security, I haven’t been brought many other consumable items to the airport.
During a trip to Chicago, I did bring doughnuts home from the Doughnut Vault. I’ve also brought chocolate and candy home for the kids.
There were a couple of times I had items confiscated and I wasn’t happy about it!
While flying from Lithuania to Denmark, I had a bottle of honey taken away. (I did mean to pack it in my checked bag, but I totally forgot.)
During a trip to Belgium, my bottle of crunchy speculoos spread (cookie butter) wasn’t allowed to fly. It was brand new, with the foil seal still on it. I questioned how speculoos (peanut butter consistency) was considered a liquid so I asked for a supervisor. I didn’t win the argument but I did open the jar, stick my finger in and have a taste before it was tossed in the trash!
OK, back to Thanksgiving. Most solid foods can be carried on the plane but gravy and cranberry sauce will be considered liquids.
USA Today shares info that, “If you can spill it, spread it, spray it, pump it or pour it, and it’s larger than 3.4 ounces, then it should go in a checked bag,” from the Transportation Security Administration.
If you’re flying with hand sanitizer, the 3.4 ounce rules does not apply. Up to 12 ounces of hand sanitizer is allowed through security at the airports.
To find out which foods can not come through security, the TSA has a search page you can check out here.
USA Today also has a list of some of the items which can and can’t be brought past security:
These items can be taken through security:
- Baked goods
- Meats
- Stuffing
- Casseroles
- Mac ‘n cheese
- Fresh vegetables
- Fresh Fruit
- Candy
- Spices
These items should go in a checked bag:
- Cranberry sauce
- Gravy
- Wine
- Canned fruit or vegetables
- Preserves, jams and jellies
- Maple syrup
Are you planning to fly over the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday? We’ll be staying home.
Find out more from USA Today here.