Tag Archives: Weird

10 Weirdest Restaurants in the World

a couple of women sitting at a table

A couple of years back I wrote a short post about Bizarre Restaurants Around the World. I haven’t thought much about these restaurants since writing the post until writing about how you can Dine With An Unusual Guest in Japan.

If I had to think of a bizarre restaurant that we’ve eaten at I’d probably go with one that isn’t all that strange. Years back, while in Budapest we went to a restaurant called Sir Lancelot. Continue reading 10 Weirdest Restaurants in the World

Weirdest Things You Never Knew About Each State

a map of the united statesAs many of you may know, I definitely go out of my way to visit odd and weird sites. One of the strangest that I’ve ever visited would be The Shit Fountain in Chicago.  We also visited An Odd Site on Easter Island and the gigantic Rolling Rock in Fall River, Massachusetts among others.

I’m sure that there are other odd/ weird sites all over the country waiting for us to explore and find out about.

Sticking to the topic of weird, I came across an interesting list from The Huffington Post. The list isn’t made up of tourist sites although some of them can be visited.

Continue reading Weirdest Things You Never Knew About Each State

Lonely Planet- Oddest Food Museums

a blue and white logo

I’ve always been interested in visiting bizarre, odd and weird sites around the world. I’ll even go out of my way to visit one if it seems like it might be worthwhile.
Here are some places I’ve visited and mentioned on the blog:

A few days ago I read a Lonely Planet article that had a list of “Oddest Food Museums”.
Continue reading Lonely Planet- Oddest Food Museums