A word to the wise- it’s best not to crack jokes at the airport, especially when it comes to bombs. But all of you know this already. Too bad this doctor didn’t…
A doctor at Miami International Airport (MIA) made a joke about carrying C-4 explosives which then caused an evacuation and the bomb squad to show up.
Rather than face charges of making a false bomb threat & criminal mischief, the Venezuelan doctor, 60-year-old Manuel Alvarado agreed to pay a fine of just a drop below $90,000. (The fine was $89,172 to be exact.)
According to the Yahoo News article (where I read about the story), Alvarado’s attorney said it was a “momentary lapse of reason in making these statements,” adding, “He is extremely remorseful. He had no intent to place anyone in fear. He made what turned out to be the worst mistake of his life.”
The situation took place on October 22 as Alvarado was getting ready to board an Avianca flight from Miami to Bogota, Colombia.
It’s amazing that people find it appropriate to make jokes like this at the airport. Even more surprising was hearing that the comment came from a doctor. I found the fine to be a bit excessive. I’d love to know how a fine of $90,000 seemed appropriate. Could the fees go towards paying to have the bomb squad show up? Cover the costs of the evacuation?
Find out more about the story at Yahoo Travel here.
The money goes where? US Treasury? State Treasury (fines usually go to the “general fund” of the sovereign)
I would much rather have seen him have to do 1000 hours of community service _as a doctor_ (that’s 6 months of 40 hour weeks, or a 10 hour day for 100 weekends). It would do far more good for the community.
Although 90K seems excessive, he might be financially successful enough to just feel a sting, rather than real sacrifice.
I am just curious to know how they came up with this $89,172 figure. Couldn’t they round up to something simple?