A little over a week back I wrote how I’d Fly To South Africa Amid Ebola Fears.
This post was more a hypothetical statement rather than a let’s go to Africa right now kind of idea. I’m very glad that Kim and I have had the chance to visit Africa a few times. We took many safaris and those trips are some of our fondest travel memories.
When the time is right I do hope to return to Africa. I can’t wait to see Lucas’ face the first time he sees elephants, lions, giraffes, zebras and a variety of other animals roaming freely where they belong. It is this image that most makes me want to return to a continent that I’ve had such great experiences in.
In the past couple of weeks there has been lots of worry about Ebola spreading at home. It seems like these days, if you cough too much on a flight it might be cause to raise an alarm. (I can’t say that I disagree with this then again…)
When it comes to risk, who else is more potentially in harm’s way than those manning the front lines… Flight Attendants.
What can they do take extra Ebola precautions?
According to Thrillist, Flight Attendants Are Already Making Ebola kits.
I’m not sure what to think of this and can’t imagine a kit they put together being of much use to defend against Ebola. You’ve also gotta wonder, what’s inside?
Thrillist spoke with one flight attendant to find out what’s inside these Ebola kits.
- Latex Gloves
- Anti-Bacterial Soap
- Bleach Wipes/ Handi-Wipes
- Nasal Spray
- Hand Sanitizer
- Vaseline with Q-Tips
So what do you think about the idea of flight attendants having Ebola kits?
Maybe us passengers should also prepare to defend against Ebola. Did you see what this woman wore at Dulles Airport around a week back?

How about a homemade HAZMAT suit.
Find out more about flight attendant’s Ebola kits in the Thrillist article here.