Tag Archives: Brooklyn

A Great TV Find: Jimmy’s Diner- Brooklyn, NY

a window with a sign on it

While watching Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives on Food Network, I came across Jimmy’s Diner. It’s located in Williamsburg, Brooklyn which is not too far from where we live, so I was very interested in watching this segment.

I love visiting places that have been featured on food- related television shows. However, more often than not I’ve found restaurants featured on DDD to not live up to Guy Fieri’s rave reviews..

Regardless of this, after watching the segment about Jimmy’s I had to give it a try. The thing that stood out most were the amazing looking waffles, made to order.
I wanted to stop by a few weeks back but when we called ahead, we were told there was a very long wait to get in for brunch. The menu seemed more like a breakfast/ lunch menu so we decided to give Jimmy’s a try for dinner, hoping to miss the crowds. We called again about a week later and were told that the restaurant wasn’t busy, so we headed on over.  Continue reading A Great TV Find: Jimmy’s Diner- Brooklyn, NY

A Swim With the Coney Island Polar Bears- Brooklyn, NY

a man holding a sign on a beach
While out for dinner last night I came up with a great idea for something to do on New Years Day. Since the weather has been so nice in NY recently, I figured it was time to join the Coney Island Polar Bear Club for their annual New Years Day Swim!
When I brought it up to my wife, she thought it sounded like a good idea since I’ve wanted to do this for a while now. Also, when else is it going to be 50 degrees in January in NY?

Continue reading A Swim With the Coney Island Polar Bears- Brooklyn, NY

Shake Shack Grand Opening-Brooklyn

a group of people walking outside a building

Burgers are one of my favorite foods and when I heard that Shake Shack was coming to Brooklyn, I was really psyched.

It just so happened that the grand opening was going to be on my birthday (12/20) so I figured I would go for lunch!

I e-mailed the restaurant and found out that Shake Shack would be opening around 11AM and some VIPs would be present for a ceremony. I arrived at 10:45 expecting a huge line but was pleasanly surprised to see only 2 people ahead of me.

a group of people standing outside of a restaurant
Waiting in line

Continue reading Shake Shack Grand Opening-Brooklyn