When visiting a new place, I often seek out quirky and off the beaten path attractions. The stranger and more bizarre the better!
As an example, here are a couple that I’ve written about. Have you heard about The Shit Fountain in Chicago? Close to Atlantic City, NJ did you know there was a six-story tusker that you could go inside? That would be Lucy the Elephant.
Yahoo Travel came up with a list of the Most Ridiculous Landmarks In All 50 states. (Thanks to Brian from BoardingArea blog The Gate for sending me this article.)
Most of the attractions from the list are unique and interesting and I’d love to visit many of them at some point!
Here are a few of my favorites:
Alabama- The Lady In the Lake

Connecticut- Tribute to the Cadillac Ranch
Kansas- World’s Largest Souvenir Travel Plate (how could I not include the Lucas plate!)
Missouri- World’s Largest Pecan
While I’ve been to a handful of these sites, there is one close to home that I have to visit. The Hess Triangle at Christopher Street & 7th Avenue has a very interesting story…
Sites I’ve visited:
- Maine- The Desert of Maine
- Nevada- Bass Pro Shops
- New Jersey- Lucy the Elephant
- Pennsylvania- Intercourse, PA sign
- Tennessee- Parthenon Replica in Nashville ( we drove by and saw it)
Find out about all of the most ridiculous landmarks in each stateĀ here.
(Images from Yahoo article unless otherwise specified)