The state fair is an event that I’ve been wanted to experience for quite some time. I’m trying to figure some things out so we can finally get to go to one next month.
When I think of a state fair, rides, bizarre competitions and local & strange foods come to mind.
Over the summer I wrote a post about 10 Best State Fairs in the US. My post (which is about an article from Fodor’s) prompted me to look into the idea of finally attending a state fair before 2014 comes to a close.
So what kind of foods would I expect to see at a State Fair? Based on some limited reading into the fair and travel- related TV shows, I’d expect to see lots of fried things as well as foods on a stick.
Buzzfeed came up with quiz which tests your knowledge of state fair foods called Is This State Fair Food Real or Fake?
Since I’ve yet to attend a state farir, I didn’t expect to do so well.
Here are a few of my favorite questions:
It turns out that I did better than I expected.
After being around half way through with the quiz I noticed something interesting about the questions. Let’s see if you catch on to this strange “quiz” from Buzzfeed.
If you’d like to take the State Fair Foods quiz, you can do so here.
Related Food Posts:
- The 6 Oddest Foods That I’ve Ever Tried
- Strange Food: Ugly Curry Chicken Puff- Starbucks, Singapore
- Unofficial Comfort Foods For Each State
- Regional Foods That Need To Be Everywhere
- America’s Strangest Food Competitions
- TV Food Maps: A Great Resource
Some Other Quiz Posts:
- Time: America’s Mood Map, Which State Matches Your Personality: Take the Test
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- What City Should You Actually Live In? Take The Buzzfeed Quiz!
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- Could You & Your Partner Pass U.S. Immigration Marriage Interview?
- What U.S. city should you actually live in?
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- How Will You Be Arrested on Vacation- Take the Quiz
I caught on immediately, Michael.
It was a bit disappointing that they didn’t throw some non-fair foods in there to make it a bit more interesting!