Tag Archives: Bears

Stupid News: Man Dressed As Bear Harasses 3 Feeding Bears

Stupid News
Lucas wouldn’t bother a bear…

Over the past week a grizzly that killed a hiker in Yellowstone has gotten a lot of press.

I had an interesting question about bear attacks in the wild. Then I wrote about theĀ Yellowstone grizzly that killed a hiker being put down.

I’m still debating if it was fair for a bear living in the wild to have to be put down due to coming into contact with a person. It really is a tough call and I could see both sides to the argument.

Well here is a new story about man interacting with wild bears. If it ended badly for this guy, I’d sure hope the bears wouldn’t have to lose their lives…. Continue reading Stupid News: Man Dressed As Bear Harasses 3 Feeding Bears

Yellowstone Grizzly That Killed Hiker Put Down

a bear walking on dirt
Not the bear that was put down

Yesterday I wrote about an interesting question about bear attacks in the wild.

The post was written due to the recent tragic death of a hiker killed by a grizzly bear in Yellowstone National Park last week. It was stated that deadly encounters between bears and humans in the park was rare.

After a bear and her cubs were caught close to where the man’s remains were found, (depending on DNA tests) the bear would be put down if it was the one that killed the man.

Is it fair that a bear living in its own habitat, the wild is being held responsible for acting like a wild bear? Well that depends. Continue reading Yellowstone Grizzly That Killed Hiker Put Down

Interesting Question About Bear Attacks in the Wild

Bear Attack
Libearty Bear Sanctuary- Romania

Last week a hiker was tragically killed (and partially eaten) by a bear in Yellowstone National Park. The man who was killed was an experienced hiker and a long-term seasonal employee of a “company that operates three urgent care clinics in the park” according to CBS News.

The article also states that “deadly encounters between bears and humans are rare. In close to 140 years, only 7 people were killed in the park by black and grizzly bears.”

Close to the site of the man’s remains, a female grizzly and two cubs were captured by park officials.

So what happens next? Continue reading Interesting Question About Bear Attacks in the Wild

Back to The Balkans- Day 5: Visiting A Bear Sanctuary & Getting To Bucharest

Trip Planning: Back to The Balkans

After visiting castles and medieval towns around Transylvania, we decided to change things up a bit. Before heading to Bucharest (our final stop in Romania), we figured it would be great to visit the Libearty Bear Sanctuary.

Romania has the largest amount of brown bears in Europe and we thought it would be very interesting to get to see them and learn a little about the sanctuary.

The European brown bear is very similar to grizzly bears but are a bit smaller. The bears we visited were all rescued from some pretty awful situations and we got to hear the stories of many of them. Continue reading Back to The Balkans- Day 5: Visiting A Bear Sanctuary & Getting To Bucharest