A few years back, a family was kicked off of an Allegiant Air fight due to their son having a peanut allergy.
These days, it seems like many airlines don’t even serve nuts anymore due to potential allergies.
Recently, a 16 year-old boy flying with his younger brother was removed from a Korean Air flight due to his peanut allergy!
The first thing I thought when I read about this was “that’s nuts“!
The 16 year old boy and his 15 year old brother were traveling alone from Atlanta to Manila, Philippines. They were booked on Delta from Atlanta to Seoul, South Korea and then on Korean Air to Manila.
The boy has serious allergies to peanuts and tree nuts so he travels with an Epi-Pen. The family also chats with flight crews about the situation and wipes their seats down for peanut dust.
On their most recent flight, the boys were flying by themselves for the first time.
Their 14- hour Delta flight went fine. When they got to Seoul, the flight attendant told the boys that peanuts would be serves even though the gate agent said they wouldn’t, just before.
The boys were given the choice to deal wth the peanuts or get off of the plane. Their mom, Prajakta Patel says that the gate agent then came aboard and told her sons to get off of the plane. She also claims that “the agent tugged on her son’s shirt to encourage him to move.”
They even offered to sit at the back of the plane and the older son said that he’d wear a mask. Yahoo writes that, “Prajakta says her sons started walking back toward the plane but the agent nudged one of her boys with his elbow, closed the gate door, and said, “Now it’s closed.”
After being stranded in the airport in Seoul, the teens called their parents in Atlanta. Delta said that they could fly on a different airline but since they weren’t sure of the nut policy, they ended up just flying back to Atlanta.
A complaint has been filed and the parents want a refund.
Korean Air offered an apology to the Patels in an statement to Yahoo Lifetstyle. Delta also apologized and they say that they are working with Korean Air to look into the incident.
Besides getting a refund, I’d hope that the Patels receive some sort of compensation for this stressful situation.
Find out more from Yahoo here.
DAN- Well, the kids wanted to sit at the back of the plane and fly to their destination. So, they should’ve been allowed to fly as they desired.
Joey Glass- They were pretty much forced off the plane from what I read and when they tried going back to the plane, the gate was closed.
Why is 1 persons peanut allergy everyones problem? If the flight comes with peanuts, you can’t take that away from everyone on the plane. Also it sounds like they decided to get off the plane, they weren’t kicked off
I agree that this is a horrible situation. The teens should not be stranded in a foreign country.
You must know that the Gate Agents have no idea what’s being served on each flight right?
So what would be your solution?