A United Airlines employee got an amazing surprise for his 30th work anniversary.
When Mark Lehman showed up to work, he wasn’t expecting to see his friends and family in the airplane hangar. (Lehman is a lead ground service equipment technician at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport.)
T+L reports that, “As part of United’s November salute to veterans, the airline placed the name “Cpl. Mark Lehman” on the side of a B737-9 jetliner just below the cockpit window.”
What a cool surprise! Imagine having your name on the side of a commercial airline’s plane!
Jim Casey, United’s senior manager of operational transformation in Chicago feels that “veterans will appreciate seeing a veteran honored in this way.”
T+L mentions that Lehman wasn’t only chosen due to his military service. He also got the nod due to his volunteer work in the community.
Did you wonder if Lehman was excited about this honor? You bet he was. He almost cried when he saw his name on the side of the plane. Lehman said that “It’s something I never expected beyond my wildest belief.”
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