United Airlines has taken a PR beating due to a passenger being dragged off of an oversold flight less than a week back.
More recently, a United Passenger was attacked during a flight but it wasn’t by airport police. This time it was by a scorpion.
Over the weekend, the man was flying home from Houston to Calgary when a scorpion fell onto his head from the overhead compartment.
The passenger, Richard Bell “took the scorpion from his hair and dropped it onto his tray. When he picked it up again, the animal stung him” according to Travel + Leisure.
Another passenger then stepped on the scorpion and threw it in the toilet.
When the plane landed, Bell was checked out by emergency services. “He shows no sign of distress and declined medical attention.”
It isn’t known how the scorpion got onboard but T+L mentions that “the most likely scenario is that it snuck onboard inside someone’s luggage.”
United Airlines is currently investigating the matter.
Back in 2015, I wrote about scorpions attacking a passenger on flights two times.