Halloween definitely ranks up there as one of the top days of the years for kids.
Yesterday Lucas had a great time trick or treating and came home with enough candy which should last for quite sometime!
What’s a kid to do if they’re flying on Halloween and won’t be able to trick or treat??? Go trick or treating during the flight!
That’s what one little girl did thanks to a clever plan from her dad.
Three year old Molly wasn’t going to have a chance to go trick or treating due to a flight and was a bit upset. Her dad decided to pass out candy along with a note to the other passengers asking for a little help.
The dad asked to help his daughter go trick or treating during the flight. Since she was upset that she couldn’t go trick or treating, he figured he could bring every kids favorite Halloween activity to her.
Molly was dressed as a donut and he asked the other passengers in the letter if they’d mind passing the candy out to his “little donut” when she came down the aisle!
One of the passengers aboard, Stephanie Kahan shared a couple of photos on Twitter and the tweet went viral. When she noticed the tweet had 5,000 retweets, she told the dad (who was sitting right behind her) about her post. She asked if it was OK that she posted the photo, one of which included his daughter. He didn’t mind but did want to remain anonymous.
By the time the flight from Boston to San Francisco landed, the tweet had already been shared over 30,000 times!
While it might sound like a great publicity stunt, Kahan felt that the dad “was definitely a genuine guy, wasn’t doing it for the attention, just clearly loves his daughter and wanted her to be happy,” she told ABC News.
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