People have been arrested for disrupting flights in a variety of ways.
- A woman bit a passenger during a flight.
- A man pulled his pants down and decided to pee on the floor of a plane causing him to get arrested once the plane landed.
- One got so drunk that he got beaten up by other passengers and arrested when the plane landed.
Most recently a man was arrested after harassing Trump supporter and public speaker, Milwaukee County Sheriff Clarke during a flight.
The incident tool place on Saturday, when Sheriff David A Clarke Jr. was flying with American Airlines from Milwaukee to Charlotte.
Passenger Preston Blunston “berated” Sheriff Clarke during the two hour flight.
Blunston seems to have attacked Sheriff Clarke due to politics. Both men are African American and Blunston said that Clarke “was not one of us“.
The Charlotte Observer mentions that “Clarke is a well known champion of conservative causes and was a speaker at this year’s Republican National Convention. He is known as a supporter of Donald Trump’s presidency“.
One passenger said that Blunston was “loud and disruptive” and many of the comments were directed at Sheriff Clarke who was sitting at the back of the plane.
Details of the situation seemed a bit confusing to some degree. I thought that the man attacked the sheriff (verbally) due to his views.
However, further in the article it was revealed that the man was “harassing flight crew and passengers“. Sheriff Clarke stepped in mid-flight, telling Blunston to “chill out“. When the plane was getting close to landing, Blunston got out of his seat and while the plane taxied to the gate, he continued to verbally abuse Clarke. Clarke told the man to sit down and then shoved Blunston face down & pinned him to the seat, holding him until the plane got to the gate.
Maybe Sheriff Clarke could apply to be an Air Marshal in the future if he’s looking to start a new career!
Find out more about the story here.
Tony T- Good question.
Rich- Good point!
Where was the Air Marshal
Do you REALLY think every flight has an air marshal on it?
spelling- Thx for pointing out the error! Fixed.
The spelling is “Marshal”