On Christmas Day, I booked a flight at an incredible price to Abu Dhabi for this summer.
The flight was booked while we stopped in Atlanta on the way to Jamaica for our winter trip. I’d consider this one of our best flight connections ever!
The Abu Dhabi deal I am talking about was a pretty popular mistake booking. Just an FYI- If you’re flying Etihad to Abu Dhabi, you can get a free ride to two of the other Emirates for free!
With our upcoming trip coming up in the not so distant future, I was glad that I received a tweet from my friend Kathy who writes Will Run For Miles with some very important info…
I’d consider myself to be a law-abiding citizen but sometimes you might visit a new country and not really know it but you’re breaking the law.
For instance, did you know that it’s illegal to have a sleeping donkey in your bathtub after 7PM in Oklahoma? I didn’t but would love to know if an awake donkey is allowed! I read this ridiculous law and a bunch of others in an article from the Daily Mail.
Well now the UAE has a pretty strange law of its own. This is just one of the most bizarre laws I’ve ever come across. Did you know that you could face a $68,000 fine and get deported for swearing-in a text message! You might even face jail time too. Cursing while using WhatsApp could also land you in the same trouble.
I’m glad that I now know what not to do while visiting the UAE in August. I want to thank Kathy for the warning!
Rather than reiterate all of the details here, please stop by Kathy’s site, Will Run For Miles & check out her post Swearing in Text Messages Can Get You Fined $68,000 and Deported here.
Brian Cohen- Glad to hear that you were on good behavior!
I just returned from the United Arab Emirates — and I swear that I did not swear while I was there…