We’re two weeks into the new year and what I think many would consider the biggest “Places To Go” lists finally came out yesterday!
I’m talking about the New York Times 52 Places To Go In 2015 list.
For those of you that know me, you’ve probably noticed that I really like lists. Top this, top that, they are definitely fun to read.
Some lists I’ve written about:
- Top Events In Each State for 2015
- Fodor’s Places To Go List 2015
- 2015 Best Places To Visit In the U.S.
- Best Place To Travel In 2015
- Where Should You Go In 2015? Take the Quiz
- Lonely Planet’s Top 10 Countries 2015
When the new year rolls in, lists short and long pop-up, giving us suggestions of the hot places to go in the new year. While I love looking at these suggestions, I can’t say that they have any influence where we actually go.
In fact, a good portion of our 2015 travels were already booked (the flights at least) before 2014 even passed.
I was debating whether or not I should list all 52 places from the NY Times list here… Tough call since that’s a pretty long list!
I decided that I would list all of the places and bold the places that I’ve already visited along with links to my posts (if I wrote about the location). I’ll also be writing a few comments about some of the places that I’ve wanted to go or plan to go to in 2015.
(There are many others from the list that we’ve considered going to in the past. Just because I didn’t add any comment doesn’t mean that I don’t want to go there!)
Here is the 2015 New York Times 52 Places To Go In 2015:
- Milan, Italy: Visited in 2014 and can’t say that we were big fans although in the city’s defense we didn’t have a ton of time there. Posts: Our Visit To Malta (and Milan) In A Nutshell.
- Cuba: I’ve wanted to visit for years and now it’s the hottest place to visit thanks to changing US policies. I don’t think 2015 will be our year for Cuba but I hope to get there sooner than later.
- Philadelphia: Visited many times! Posts: The Mutter Museum, America’s Oldest Residential Street, Visiting Creepy Eastern State Penitentiary, Quick Trip to Philly Day 1 & Day 2
- Yellowstone National Park
- Elqui Valley, Chile: We’ve been to Chile but not this area.
- Singapore: Visited in Summer 2012 and really enjoyed our time. Posts: Hotel Review Intercontinental Singapore, How To Cross the Streets in Singapore, Strange Food: Ugly Curry Chicken Puff, Step By Step Guide To Washing Hands in Singapore
- Durban, South Africa: Been there twice but not to Durban.
- Bolivia
- Faroe Islands
- Macedonia: Visited Summer 2013. Posts: Skopje, Ohrid
- Medellin, Colombia: Kim and I went to Colombia but didn’t visit Medellin.
- St Vincent and the Grenadines
- Orlando, Florida: Never been there but that will change in a few weeks from now.
- Zimbabwe: I hoped to go on both of our trips to Africa but there wasn’t enough time.
- Burgundy, France: Kim and I both went to France separately, but not to Burgundy.
- Lower Manhattan, New York: We live in Brooklyn and have been to Lower Manhattan too many times to count.
- Tanzania
- The North Coast of Peru: We visited Peru a while back but not this area.
- Steamboat Springs, Colorado
- Oman: I was close to visiting a few years back but there wasn’t enough time. We’ll most likely get to Oman this year.
- Cleveland, Ohio
- Sri Lanka
- New Orleans, Louisiana: I’ve gone twice, most recently May 2013. Posts: Visiting Santa’s Quarters, Hotel Review: Astor Crowne Plaza, 2013 Trip: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3
- Adelaide, Australia: Kim and I went on our honeymoon to Australia but didn’t visit Adelaide.
- Republic of Georgia
- Manchester England: Been to England but not to Manchester
- Campeche, Mexico: Been to Mexico, not to Campeche though
- Greenland
- Papua New Guinea
- Bend, Oregon
- Rabat, Morocco
- Squamish, Canada: We’ve only been to Toronto, Niagara Falls & Montreal
- Seoul, South Korea: We were very close to booking a flight there but decided to pass
- St Kitts
- Shikoku, Japan: We visited Japan in summer 2013 but not to this island.
- San Antonio
- San Jose del Cabo, Mexico
- Alentejo, Portugal
- The Catskills, New York: Been upstate many times, including spending full summers there.
- Quebec City, Canada
- Canton Valais, Switzerland
- Ile de France
- Danang, Vietnam: Kim and I had a brief visit to Vietnam a while back but not to Danang.
- Chengdu, China: I’ve been wanting to see the pandas here for years. One of these days we’ll get there…
- Miami Beach, Florida: Does South Beach count?
- Shanghai
- Tulsa, Oklahoma: Visited October 2014. Posts: Oklahoma Trip Day 1, Day 2, Day 3
- Rome, Italy: Visited
- Caceres, Spain: Visited Spain on my first trip to Europe but not this city.
- Taos Ski Valley, New Mexico
- Baku, Azerbaijan
- Kas, Turkey: We’ve been to Turkey but not Kas.
The Times picked some great places and quite a few that I’ve considered (and still plan to visit eventually) over the years.
Does the Times list inspire you to get up and go? For me it just makes me want to travel more!
Where would you most like to go from the NY Times list in 2015?
Find out about each of the places picked for the New York Times 52 Places To Go list here.
Zimbabwe? Bend, Oregon? Cleveland? Seriously?
Hua- Definitely interesting… I was surprised to see Milan on a bunch of these lists.
It seems like Cleveland is either experiencing a comeback or some sort of a major PR victory. It has made the New York Times list, the LA Times list, Travel and Leisure’s list, and Fodor’s Go List for 2015.