Yahoo Travel has been posting some great content recently. Now they’ve come up with another really fun and interesting article.
Flight attendants are the ones at the front lines so to speak, representing the airline while we’re in the air. The way they act and things they do can really impact us, the flyer’s inflight experience.
Imagine that you ask a flight attendant for something, maybe to help you with something but they’re not allowed! Maybe at first you’re thinking, that the FA is lazy or doesn’t want to be bothered.
However, there are a variety of things that flight attendants are not allowed to do.
Yahoo Travel wrote an article about the topic sharing 12 Surprising Things A Flight Attendant Can’t Do For You (So Stop Asking).
I immediately starting trying to think of some of the things FA can’t do for us while we’re on the plane. Maybe it was just way too late while I was writing this post but I was totally stymied.
Rather than make some bad guesses, I’ll just list what Yahoo came up with.
Flight Attendants can not:
- Give you any kind of medication
- Stow your bag for you
- Call ahead to hold a connecting flight
- Ask the captain to fly faster
- Accept a cash tip the first time you offer
- Have a cocktail with you on the plane
- Kick off a service animal- even if you’re allergic
- Make people move seats
- Let you sit in business or first class, even if there obviously are empty seats
- Allow you to bring your own alcohol on board and make a cocktail
- Escort you off the plane, even if you need help
- Pass out pens on an international flight
These are some pretty interesting things that flight attendants can not do. Most of them do make sense though.
What do you think of the list put together by Yahoo Travel?
Find out about each of the things flight attendants can’t do for you on a flight here.
#12 is clearly false. I’ve asked for a pen numerous times from E to F, always complied. E says make sure you return the pen to me, F says keep it. Still have my nice CX pen 🙂
Chucks- Good idea and points.
Better if this read “Flight attendants cannot be expected to” rather than “cannot”.
I’ve seen many FA stow and assist others in stowing luggage. I’ve had FA’s give me operational upgrades into business when there were empty seats. They didn’t HAVE to, but they certainly were able to.
FA’s generally don’t hand out pens, but I don’t see why they’re actually PROHIBITED from doing that.
Ed C- Thanks for the info. Have you flown Mint yet?
Phil- That is awesome that they could help you out. I could see why they wouldn’t be allowed to help with luggage though. What airline were you flying?
Delta and BA. I fly weekly and I’ve been offered help on every flight.
Not true regarding help with luggage. Recently had rotator cuff surgery and FAs have all been great putting up and taking down my roller board, many times insisting that I let them help me.
#2 – I know some services (like B6s new mint service) where they will do this as part of their service.