Good Guys at airport 1, Homophobe 0.
Here is a crazy situation that happened on October 23 at Dallas/ Fort Worth Airport.
I came across this story from Yahoo News and it shows what most of us already know- most people are good but there are always bad seeds lurking around us.
A man was verbally, then physically attacking another passenger at the airport for allegedly wearing a pink shirt.
The homophobic bully was caught on tape by Andrew Kennedy, who was waiting to catch a flight with his brother. He began taping right away when he saw the argument going on. (His video has since been viewed over 1.6 million times.)

A Yahoo News video shows a man wearing a cowboy hat ask an angry man what the problem is. The bully “used homophobic slurs to explain”. While explaining his anger, the man then started kicking and swinging at his victim.
Within a second, a group of other passengers stepped-in, tackling the homophobe to the ground. As he was brought down, the police arrived. The officer went on to arrest the abusive man.
Check out the Yahoo News video:
Find out more details from Yahoo here.
Stpeh- Good one!
How ironic that a big guy in a purple shirt took him down.