Tag Archives: Surge Pricing

$94 For 2 Mile Cab Ride: Uber’s Surge Pricing In NYC Last Weekend

Screen Shot 2013-12-18 at 11.35.30 PMReminder: I’m giving away 2 American Airlines Admiral Club Passes. Enter for a chance to win HERE.

When I think of Uber, their fun, gimmicky offers usually come to mind. They’ve recently delivered kittens, Christmas trees and had an UberSLEIGH Toy Drive in NYC.

While I haven’t used Uber and know their prices tend to be higher than taxis or traditional car services, I was shocked by an article that Kim sent me a couple of days back.

The article from Gothamist, Uber’s Snow Storm Surge Pricing Gouged New Yorkers Big Time is pretty unbelievable. I think my jaw dropped a few times while reading it.

Last Saturday, NYC was hit with some pretty crappy weather. We had some snow during the day and icy rain at night. Due to the poor weather, Uber put in place an extremely pricey feature called Surge Pricing.

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