Tag Archives: Flight Upgrade

Making an Offer to Upgrade to Etihad Biz Class. Is It Worth It?

Etihad Business Class

Towards the end of December 2014 I wrote about what I’d consider The Best Flight Connection Ever.

While on the way to Jamaica, I was able to book a flight (for myself, ย Kim and ย Lucas) to Abu Dhabi on Etihad (in coach) for the incredible price of $232.53 per person which came to a total of $697.60.

During the trip we’ll be moving around quite a bit and it sure would be nice to move upfront on our (now) direct 13 hour flight from New York.

Etihad has been offering me the chance to make an offer to upgrade to business class. Continue reading Making an Offer to Upgrade to Etihad Biz Class. Is It Worth It?