Flights get delayed for many reasons but this Spirit Airlines flight was delayed for possibly the most disgusting one.
Shortly after boarding a drunk man vomited in a woman’s hair. Fox reports that, “The woman and man reportedly have no relation.” Even if they did, it wouldn’t make the situation any less disgusting!
The Spirit Airlines flight was supposed to go from Chicago to Baltimore before it got delayed.
Reports of the incident were posted on Twitter where you can see flight attendants helping the woman out. It was reported that the poor girl had to wash her hair in the bathroom sink.
The drunk passenger was escorted off of the flight. This sounds like it might’ve been good news for the other passengers, however they unfortunately had to leave the plane as well to allow for it to be cleaned.
This story only gets worse…
After the passengers re-boarded and just before takeoff, another incident involving drunks occurred.
A man and a woman got locked in a bathroom “and allegedly flooded the back of the plane.”
This sounds like the flight from hell… before it even took off!
Find out more from Fox News here.
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