In the middle of August an offer came out where those of us with the Hyatt credit card could register to get $20 off $50 at Whole Foods.
This is a fantastic offer of which Kim and I both planned to redeem when we got back from our 5 week trip to the Pacific.
The internet wasn’t the best in many of the places that we visited. Whenever I tried to register for the promo, I’d get an error message saying the offer may’ve expired.
After posting about my problem, I received a message on Twitter from Hyatt. They looked into the issue and said it did not expire yet. The only problem was that they had no way to add it to my card since the offer was being ran by the Chase not Hyatt!
Considering the offer is good to redeem until September 25, I didn’t worry too much about missing out.
I had received a few comments in my previous post about the offer with some people having similar issues. One reader mentioned that he was out of the country and tried clicking the offer but it didn’t work. I thought that might be the case for me as well.
The day after arriving home from our trip I clicked the link in the Hyatt- Whole Foods offer e-mail. I crossed my fingers and hoped that it would work.
Happily and to my surprise, a registration page popped up. I was able to register my card and then registered Kim’s right after.
My guess is that being out of the country affected the sign up process. Now we’re both registered and ready to save a combined $40 off $100 at Whole Foods.
Just a reminder, if you have the Hyatt card, make sure to sign up for the $20 off $50 Whole Foods offer and redeem it by September 25. (During our next visit, Kim and I will each purchase a $50 gift card at the market before we shop, just to be sure that we each spend $50.)