This has got to be one of the odder stories I’ve come across in quite some time…
A woman is suing a hotel in Halle, Germany due to a three-night stay from back in 2010. She had an affair with a man, only knowing his first name- Michael.
Then, nine- months later she had a son, “who she believes was the result of the encounter,” according to T+L.
I couldn’t imagine what the woman’s lodging had to do with what took place. It turns out that the woman tried to get info from the hotel to find out who the man was to try to find him to get child support, but they refused to help.
The hotel said that it wasn’t their place legally to share information about former guests. There also happened to by another problem. When the woman had her three-day affair, there were four guests named Michael staying at the property!
When the hotel refused to help, the woman filed a case which was denied by the courts.
One reason for the denial was the court’s ruling “that the man’s right to protect his family or marriage took precedence over the woman’s right to child support“. Interesting…
The court also said it was possible that the woman didn’t even know the man’s correct name.
Find out more from T+L here.
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