Father’s Day is just a day away so I know this post is a bit last minute…
Rather than just repost what was suggested last year, I wanted to add a few items that I feel could make great gifts!
Here are Four Father’s Day Gift Ideas For The Traveling Dad! (In no particulate order!)
A few months back, a potentially game-changing new product was offered by Clothing Arts on Kickstarter,
The Cubed Travel Jacket.
The Cubed Travel Jacket is waterproof, windproof and breathable. It also has lots of secure pockets to keep your valuables safe! If this jacket is anything like the P^Cubed pants then it’s sure to be a winner and must-have.
The Cubed Travel Jacket is available for $380 at
clothingarts.com. Pre-orders will start shipping on 9/1.
Lonely Planet Magazine debuted in the US back in November 2015. The magazine is a quarterly. You can expect travel articles and interviews about a wide-variety of topics as well as awesome photos.
So far I’ve enjoyed the magazine’s first couple of issues and need to make some time to read the recently arrived 3rd issue. I’d definitely recommend checking it out if you’re looking for something new to read.
A one year subscription (4 issues) is a thoughtful and inexpensive gift at just $8. You can find out more and subscribe
For the foodie (or junk-foodie) traveling dad, chef, traveler and TV host Andrew Zimmern brings us the Delicacies Thick Cut Bracelets.
This is “the world’s first and only line of jewelry for epicureans“. You can pick the color of the Italian leather band and then select dad’s favorite ingredient which is made from sterling silver. Pick from chickens, octopus, lobsters, pigs, and cows to artichoke, chili, corn, carrots, pineapple, and grape and more!
Delicacies Thick Cut Bracelets go for $85 and you can check them out
(Delicacies bracelets are designed by Nicolle Nelson. AZ is the Chief Culinary Officer and is in charge of implementing the chefs table program where famous chefs choose the charity for Delicacies to donate to.)

My go-to water bottle brand for years had been SIGG. However, now I can’t leave home without my
Klean Kanteen Insulated Water Bottle.
The big problem I always had with my SIGGs were that the bottles sweat a lot in the heat plus the water wouldn’t stay cold for very long. The solution- insulated water bottles!
Kim ordered a Klean Kanteen a few months back and we were really impressed. According to Klean Kanteen, liquids stays cold when iced for up to 50 hours and can stay hot for up to 20 hours. Based on our usage, water has stayed cold over night and ice-cold for hours. (I haven’t tried to see what happens for 50 hours since the water is drank and refilled many times over the course of a day.)
Klean Kanteen Insulated Bottles come in sizes like 12oz, 20oz, 32oz and 64oz. Prices vary but I’d shop at Amazon where they’re much cheaper than shopping directly from Klean Kanteen.
Final Thoughts…
First of all Happy Father’s Day to all of you traveling dads out there!
I could definitely add lots of other gift ideas but since this is a last- minute gifts post, I decided to cap it at these four.
Other great gifts can be gift cards, travel and the items from last years gift guide (check it out at the link above). You could also go on a Father- Son Trip, like Lucas and I did back in April. (I highly recommend doing so!) We have three more Father-Son Trips being planned for this summer!
What gifts would you suggest for the traveling dad? Let us know in the comments below.