I don’t know much about pop star Justin Bieber but I do know that he’s gotten himself into some trouble in the past.
A quick web search brought me to an article from the IB Times mentioning five countries in which Bieber has gotten into legal trouble- Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Germany and the US.
Now we can add Mexico to the list… kind of.
Luckily for Bieber (and his entourage) he was asked to leave the ruins in Tulum and wasn’t arrested.
The offense was “climbing onto or among the ruins” according to the AP.
At the site, climbing some of the pyramids are allowed but other places are roped off or have no entry signs which are “considered vulnerable or unstable“.
What Bieber did was wrong, possibly even dangerous to himself or the site but I can’t say that I’ve never been guilty of doing something similar in the past. I’m also not saying that it means it is OK to do…
There is no mention of the Tulum site being damaged due to Bieber’s curiosity.
I just wonder if this incident didn’t involve a famous individual, would the person have just received a warning rather than being asked to leave.
Find out more from the AP here.
Yes, in fact some friends got hauled to jail and spent most a day there until let go for “trespassing” at a historic site in Delhi. Same type of thing they crossed an area marked off limits for the public. No charges ended up being made, but wasted a day. They learned a lesson. Bieber probably won’t learn.
A- Great point!
I hope he would’ve been asked to leave. Those ruins are treasures and need to be protected so they can be enjoyed for centuries to come!
Marc- It is possible that it could’ve went the other way if he wasn’t a celeb. Have you ever heard of tourists being arrested for wandering a site they didn’t belong though? I haven’t ever heard of tourists being arrested unless they damaged a site.
“I just wonder if this incident didn’t involve a famous individual, would the person have just received a warning rather than being asked to leave.”
On the contrary, I just wonder if this incident didn’t involve a famous individual, would the person have been arrested rather than being asked to leave?
Archeological sites such as Tulum are protected.
David- Thanks for the comment. My speculation is just that- speculation and my opinion. I’m not sure how it is one-sided.
And is it news? Absolutely it is. If not, why did the AP, NBC, ABC, Yahoo Travel and many other sources report it?
You might not be interested in the story but then again, I guess you are. Didn’t you click the link to read the entire post?
I think he last line of your post is incredibly flawed.
I expect, and have seen in similar contexts, many people being asked to leave places for doing such things. You could also speculate if, to avoid any backlash, being a public
profile individual avoided arrest etc. No evidence either way, but your speculation is one sided,
I have to add, is this really news? Did boarding area really need to tweet it to everyone?