A few weeks back a scorpion attacked a woman on an Alaska Airlines flight.
I’d think this is an extremely rare incident. Due to the scorpion attack, the plane had to pull back to the gate so the woman could be treated, causing a 30 minute delay.
Well it looks like a scorpion again got onto a flight, striking again.
This time a Canadian man, Adam Young was flying from Colombia to Mexico when he “felt something crawling under his shirt as he tried to nap shortly after the plane departed” according to the Daily Mail.
He tried to get the scorpion off, but he was already stung three times!
A friend traveling with Young thought it was some sort of joke but then saw the scorpion on the floor. They told the flight attendants and then the critter was found under his seat cushion and killed.
The plane had to turn back and make an emergency landing in Bogota when “a doctor who happened to be on board insisted that it land as soon as possible“.
Young said that he felt the venom setting in, causing “excruciating pain and a burning sensation“.
Upon landing, medics met the plane on the tarmac and rushed the passenger to the medical room at the airport where he was given an “anti-venom injection in the buttocks“.
After getting treated but still in pain, Young still got back on the plane for the flight to Mexico.
Another passenger onboard told Young that the scorpion that attacked him is highly venomous and could kill a human. Scary stuff!
The story sounds like it could be made into a movie or at least a television show (I Shouldn’t Be Alive).
Find out more about the story from the Daily Mail here.
AlohaDaveKennedy- Or a new movie coming soon called… Scorpions On A Plane!
Geeez – what’s with all those scorpions flying about in the air. Should we be worried about a Scorpionado?