Back in November I wrote about a service pig being kicked off of a US Airways flight.
I’m not really sure what kind of service or support a pig could provide to an individual but I guess they might be the choice of some people in need…
When it comes to service animal stories, I didn’t think it could get stranger than a pig on a plane until I read about a new situation that just occurred.
A Wisconsin woman stopped by McDonald’s for a meal and brought along one of her exotic pets, her service kangaroo. No that isn’t a typo… A service kangaroo! Really…
According to an article from Yahoo News, the woman, Diana Moyer brought her kangaroo named Jimmy to McDonald’s.
She wasn’t exactly kicked out of McDonald’s but another customer did call the police and complained when they spotted the kangaroo. Moyer then “left the store voluntarily”.
When the police showed up, Jimmy the kangaroo was wrapped in a blanket, sitting in a child’s car seat. “Moyer told the responding officer that the kangaroo was a service animal to help her cope with emotional distress and produced a letter from a doctor“.
Moyer’s husband Larry told a local news station that isn’t really a service animal for his wife but “is a therapy pet as she battles cancer”.
The couple owns a total of five pet kangaroos.
I’d agree that it would be quite strange but I have no problem with someone bringing their pet kangaroo out to a restaurant! While in Australia for our honeymoon, Kim and I loved interacting with kangaroos and feeding them!
Do I believe that kangaroos are service animals, no I don’t but to each their own. If a kangaroo makes you happy and it doesn’t hurt other people, enjoy!
Find out more about this story from Yahoo News here. which also includes a video of a local news story from ABC 12 WISN.
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augias- Thanks for the info. The term service animal seems to be thrown around a bit too much with people trying to take advantage of the designation. The husband of the woman involved said that it really wasn’t a service kangaroo which I mentioned in the post.
First of all, an emotional support animal is not a ‘service animal’ – that terms describes animals who can perform specific tasks (for example, helping a blind person cross the street)
Secondly, in many states it is illegal to bring any animal into a restaurant (unless it’s a service animal, like a blind dog) – for example, in New York City.
Kyle- Me too! Not sure my co-op board would be happy about it though! lol
Candace- Featherdale? Loved that place and never forgot the visit from almost 10 years ago.
One of my most favorite memories was feeding kangaroos on a day trip out of Sydney! Such sweet animals, I want one as a pet now too!
I want one.