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I was happy to receive an e-mail from my friend and fellow BoardingArea blogger Rene, writer of the blog DeltaPoints.
The subject of the e-mail was related to a favorite thing that I randomly come across at home and while traveling- Street Signs!
For those of you that don’t know, I am a big fan of funny or odd signs that I like to call Ridiculous Street Signs. I have a tab at the top of my blog with signs that I’ve shared and others from contributors. (Find out how you can contribute a sign below.)
I was immediately excited to see what Rene had found. Rene was recently on a trip to the Cayman Islands and ended up by the Hell Post Office. He then came across a sign (shown above) related to the removal of Hell Rocks!

Hell Rocks- I thought Hell What and then asked Rene if he could send me some photos to see just what these rocks looked like.
Check them out:
I sent Rene a few questions to find out a little more about his visit to Hell.
Check them out:
MW: Where did you find these signs?
Rene: This is a fun tourist (attraction) on the west end of Grand Cayman island. There is a local store selling souvenirs, as mentioned the post office and then next door a bar so you can have a drink in hell.
MW: What was your reaction when you saw the signs?
Rene: Oh that is funny. But then again why would you want to take any of these evil looking rocks home anyway?
MW: Is there anything else that you’d like to share?
Rene: It is a fun stop to visit but not all that impressive. If you are out at the west end, stop by, but don’t go just for this spot. You will have more fun on the beach!

So that’s the story about Rene’s visit to Hell! I want to thank Rene for sending in these photos to share with us.
Has anyone else paid Hell a visit? If I ever make it to the Cayman Islands, I’ll definitely try to stop by!
Have your photo featured on Michael W Travels:
If you have a Ridiculous Street Signs photo that you would like to contribute and have featured on Michael W Travels, feel free to e-mail me at
Haha…I’ve been there and back.