Tag Archives: The Interview

Smuggling The Interview Into North Korea?

Watch The Interview

Has any other movie in history caused such drama like The Interview has? Maybe one of you know…

One of the bigger stories to end 2014 had to do with North Korea supposedly being involved in hacking Sony due to being offended over the movie The Interview. After a variety of threats the movie was pulled from theaters and nobody knew what would become of it. Continue reading Smuggling The Interview Into North Korea?

North Korea Blames US For Internet Shut Down, Calls Obama WHAT???

North Korea Internet
image: wikicommons

This past week North Korea’s internet went down more or less for a few days.

From what I read, this disruption wouldn’t have really affected the average North Korean but it would send a strong message to the elite and military.

So who is to blame for the outage? Continue reading North Korea Blames US For Internet Shut Down, Calls Obama WHAT???

Watch The Interview Online NOW!

Watch The Interview Online

These days it seems like the Koreas are making headlines for some pretty crazy reasons…

South Korea (well a Korean Air executive actually) made headlines due to a crazy incident before a flight took off due to macadamia nuts.

Check out my posts:

Yahoo News also reported that South Korean prosecutors will arrest the nutty former Korean Air executive.

Now lets look at the major story related to North Korea which might just be even more bizarre than nuts. Continue reading Watch The Interview Online NOW!