Tag Archives: Overseas Delivery Program

Buy A Car, Get A Free Trip To Sweden

a man pushing a bag next to a carDuring our trip to the Baltics (Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania) back in 2007, Kim and I flew to Copenhagen first and headed home through Stockholm. We used budget carriers Estonia Air and Air Baltic to get to/ from the Baltics from Scandanavia.

On the way home we had an early flight from Vilnius to Stockholm before making our way back to New York. I was taking a nap on a seat by our gate and when I woke up a guy came over to me and asked if I was Michael W. (This had nothing to do with the blog since it did not exist back then!)

I immediately wondered who this guy was and why he knew my name. It turned out that he was an old friend from junior high and high school that I hadn’t seen in over 10 years! This was definitely an odd but cool coincidence that we both happened to be flying through Stockholm on the same flight. Continue reading Buy A Car, Get A Free Trip To Sweden