Tag Archives: National Parks

Don’t Pet the Bison in US National Parks!

US National Parks

This post definitely could be categorized as stupid news and/ or an obvious warning…

Many people will be visiting US National Parks this year. National Park Week is currently going on where the entrance fee is free until April 24.

One of the most dangerous animals are bison and according to a Google search, “In Yellowstone National Park alone, nearly five times ย as many people are killed by bison than by bears every year.” Continue reading Don’t Pet the Bison in US National Parks!

Florida Everglades Airboat Rides Ending

Florida Everglades

Almost two years back, Kim, Lucas and I took an airboat tour in the Florida Everglades while visiting my parents during Thanksgiving Weekend.

Kim and I enjoyed the tour but it definitely wasn’t Lucas’ favorite thing to do. I’d guess it was mainly due to the loud noise caused by the airboats.

According to Frommer’s, “airboats have been a staple of touring the Florida Everglades. New rules, though, are about the silence them once and for all“. Continue reading Florida Everglades Airboat Rides Ending