Tag Archives: Delta Points

Contributor Ridiculous Street Signs #11: Slang- Gothenburg, Sweden

Gothenburg Sweden

It’s been way too long since I last posted about  Ridiculous Street Signs.

For those of you unsure of what I am talking about, here are a few details.

Have you ever seen a funny, strange or bizarre sign while wandering around, whether it be at home or while traveling? For me I tend to come across these kind of signs while visiting a new place. Many of the times it turns out that things just might be lost in translation. Either way, I like to refer to these sort of signs as Ridiculous Street Signs. Continue reading Contributor Ridiculous Street Signs #11: Slang- Gothenburg, Sweden

Check Out My Fireside Chat With Rene On Delta Points

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Back in August, Rene of Delta Points introduced a new, weekly series on Sundays called Fireside Chats. I think the series is a great idea and way for readers to get to know the writers behind all of the great BoardingArea blogs. Through these chats you might even find a few more blogs to add to your daily reading that you previously did not know much about.

For this week’s Fireside Chat with Rene, yours truelly will be featured on Delta Points. I had a great time chatting with Rene and found his questions to be a lot of fun to answer. I think by reading the interview you’ll get a much better idea of who I am and what my blog is all about.

Continue reading Check Out My Fireside Chat With Rene On Delta Points