I recently posted an offer of 5 AA Biz Extra 1,000 Point Referrals being up for grabs.
There was a lot of interest in this offer but I could only select 5 people to pass along my referrals to. However, a bunch of readers were nice enough to offer some of their referrals too!
While I don’t usually moderate comments, in this post I did remove any that offered their own referrals, so as not to interrupt selecting the winners. I also do not allow or think it is right for people to leave their email address in my comments (especially when I am running a giveaway or promo).
I emailed each person that left their email address in my comments and let them know my stance on this kind of commenting and those that responded understood where I was coming from.
And now, what you’ve all been waiting for… the winners of my 1,000 point AA Biz Extra Referrals.
Continue reading AA Biz Extra 1,000 Point Referral Bonus Winners + More Referrals Available →