I’m not sure what it is, but I always enjoy crossing borders. In recent past I have made this seemingly boring event into a fun photo-op. It can be crossing from country to country or even state to state, whatever it is, I find it fascinating and have to say that as minimal as it seems, it can be a lot of fun!
Over the years, border crossings that stood out were:
- Walking from Vietnam into Cambodia and having to argue with the border guard who wanted to keep my Visa page
- Walking from Cambodia into Thailand- seeing our luggage being pushed in strange, wooden wheel-barrows across the border
- Walking from South Africa into Namibia
- Taking a photo at Peru & Brazil’s border sign and catching our flight within Colombia from the Amazon.
- Stopping on the side of the highway, waiting for a turn to jump by the Welcome to South Dakota sign (from Wyoming).
- Getting permission from the Kosovo border guard to allow us to take some photos by the welcome sign.
- Having our driver stop on the road into Albania for a brief photo-op.