A flight delay was caused by one of the strangest reasons over the weekend.
An economist was doing math before his flight on American Airlines took off which caused a concerned passenger to think that he was writing “cryptic code”.
The flight was getting ready to take off from Philadelphia to Syracuse when a female passenger sitting next to the economist said she felt ill. Once the plane returned to the gate and she was off of the plane, she mentioned the real reason she wanted the plane to turn back.
She was concerned with the behavior of the man sitting next to her, Guido Menzio “a noted economics professor“, according to Yahoo. The woman reported that Menzio “was suspicious, scribbling intently on a notepad in what appeared to be cryptic code”.
The pilot quickly decided that the woman’s concerns weren’t cause for concern.
Once Menzio met with airline officials and security, he was told that he was suspected of terrorism. He showed them his differential equation and after a delay of around one hour, the plane took off.
Menzio is an award- winning theoretical macroeconomist at the University of Pennsylvania.
Find out more from Yahoo News here.
c- Thanks. Fixed!
Rich- It’s hard to say at this point what is being overly cautious these days. However, in this case the woman does seem to be a bit ridiculous.
While this news is a few days old, nevertheless, me thinks the terrorist in this story is the “sick” woman. As a terrorist, she was quite successful in causing passenger safety concerns and the resultant delays and significant costs to AA and the security authorities that had to be involved. Menzio should take civil legal action and security take criminal charges against that nut!
Differential equation, no differentiated equation.