A plane carrying the president of Serbia to the Vatican for an official visit had to return to Belgrade after it started to suddenly plunge.
It was reported that the plane had to return due to engine failure but that wasn’t exactly the case.
An investigation showed that the plane took a sudden plunge due to spilled coffee.
Yes, you read that correctly…
According to a Yahoo News story by the AP, “the co-pilot spilled coffee on the instruments panel“.
The investigation showed that while trying to clean up his mess, the co-pilot then “accidentally activated the emergency slat extension“. This caused the plane to dive along with a brief shutdown of the one of engines. The article states that the event also caused passengers onboard to panic…
Luckily the captain was able to stabilize the plane and return to Belgrade.
According to the article “slats are located on leading edges of the wings and are used by pilots to change the aircrafts’ angle of descent“.
The co-pilot has since been suspended.
Talk about a crazy reason to cause such a scare during a flight.
Find out more from Yahoo here.