Yesterday morning I wrote about What My Local CVS (Brooklyn, NY) Told Me About Vanilla Reloads. While the usual store that I buy reloads at wasn’t supposed to have cards until Tuesday (today) at the earliest, I decided to stop by since I had a break around noon.
I mentioned in one of my later posts that I had some luck and would share the details today.
Check out the post Vanilla Reload Doomsday Updates From Around The Country where you’ll find out that quite a few cities are still selling reloads, as of 3/31 (and some that aren’t).
Thanks to all of the readers that shared their Vanilla Reload location info with us!
Here is my tale of Vanilla Reload luck that I had yesterday.
I figured that I was probably wasting my time stopping by my usual CVS. However, since I was close by, I had nothing to lose. This visit was all in the name of research and a desire for one more big score.
Prior to heading into CVS I spoke to my brother. He had stopped by CVS the previous evening, around 10PM and told me that he did not see any Vanilla Reloads on the racks. Not so surprising since I had been there around 5PM and left empty handed.
I headed on in, hoping to get lucky. I hate asking the same cashiers for Vanilla Reloads on a consistent basis and was glad to see someone else by the register today. I visited both gift card racks hoping to find the golden ticket but knew it was unlikely. After finding nothing on the racks I headed on down to the register.
I asked if there happened to be any Vanilla Reloads in the drawer and she went over to check. Expecting nothing I was thrilled to see her pull out an open but pretty fully looking packet of reloads.
I asked for 10 cards hoping there just might be another pack of Vanilla in the drawer but had to settle for 8. Not too shabby if you ask me, especially considering the day before there was nothing to be had.
This just goes to show, it doesn’t hurt to take a chance and keep checking for Vanilla or whatever else it might be that you are looking for. Maybe it will turn up when you least expect it.
Tip: For those of you still searching for Vanilla Reloads- if the gift card racks are empty don’t forget to ask at the register about them. It seems like more and more CVS locations are keeping their stash off the racks!
Good luck, happy hunting and enjoy the vanilla while it lasts!
Heads Up: I had a comment yesterday from Eric. He was told (in North Irving, TX) that the cash only policy goes into effect tomorrow. Guess we’ll see.
Picked up 1K yesterday and 4K just now in Philly subs without issues. Didn’t ask about any new policies.
Charleston, WV: Manager at CVS showed me the dreaded memo. Cash only starting tomorrow or Thursday. hard coded into register.
Excuse the french but this kinda sucks.
Oh well, onward to another way…..
Philly moved to cash only this morning 4/1. Cashier refused purchase.