We love experiences which include animals while traveling.
In 2012, I wrote about My Top 5 Animal Encounters. It could probably use an update with A Visit to the Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital being added to the list.
One day I’d love to pay a visit to see the swimming pigs in the Bahamas. Tragedy struck these special pigs a few months back. Who knows if regulations will change, stopping tourists from interacting with the pigs in the future.
I came across another interesting animal experience on Corsica France but it might be wise to keep your distance.
On the island of Corsica France, cows like to sunbathe, according to an article I came across from T+L!
Considering I’m not into laying out on the beach, these cows would definitely be fun to see. The problem is that it’s best not to get to close or attempt to take a selfie.
Recently, a “woman was gored on the beach“, according to T+L. She had to be taken to the hospital, needing stitches for her injuries while also having some teeth damaged.
Wild cows have long been on the island, “roaming the many beaches, coexisting with other beachgoers.” The problem is that the cows aren’t the friendliest. There are even signs around the beaches warning people to stay away.
One way to prevent the wild cows from injuring beachgoers is by getting rid of them. Some ideas to do so include castrating bulls so the cows all eventually die out. Currently some areas of the beaches are closed off. Some want pounds built to house them.
I hope that they figure out a way to keep the cows around on Corsica France. Hopefully visitors follow the warnings and don’t get too close.
Find out more from T+L here.