I came across an interesting article from Huff Post Travel about a man who claims to be the most traveled person in the world.
However, there is a bit of a problem with his claim. Fred Finn’s only been to 150 countries.
Last year, I interviewed Lee Abbamonte, the youngest American to visit every country in the world. Since Lee has been to every country, I think it would be safe to say that he is more traveled than Fred Finn.
Well, Finn says he is the most traveled since he’s been in the Guinness Book of World Records since 1983.
As for his travel stats, Finn has visited 150 countries, flown 16 million miles and did 718 flights on the Concorde! Wow, pretty crazy stuff…
Based on these stats, maybe Fred Finn has flown the most.
But what does it mean to travel. Is it simply getting from point A to B regardless of purpose? Does flying a lot make you well-traveled? Or is it visiting lots of countries that matter most? If you think of it in these ways, you’ll see that it can certainly be subjective.
In my opinion, traveling is seeing and exploring places not just flying. Flying can be considered a way of commuting. Just because you’ve flown somewhere doesn’t mean that you did any traveling. If I fly through a country on the way to my intended destination did I visit the country? I’d say a definite no. My opinion…
A little more about Fred Finn, the most flown person.
- Used to have three passports attached to each other since they all had valid visas in them.
- He commuted across the Atlantic every week for four years
- Currently has a US & British passport.
- Every country he’s been to he has worked in or stayed in.
Fred Finn doesn’t want his passport stamped.
Finn says that a lot of places don’t need to stamp your passport and other won’t stamp it if you ask them not to. He doesn’t want his passport stamped because every 2 years they need to be replaced. Finn spends most of his time in Ukraine. If he needs a new passport, he’s got to go to the passport office and hang around for days waiting for it.
Find out more about Fred Finn, the most flown man here.
In the article, there is a video interview with Fred Finn. It turned out that it was part of a longer video “Inside the Cutthroat World of Competitive Travel”.
Check out the full video which features a few other big-time world travelers here.
Mike- I’d assume the same but luckily Fred responded to this!
Fred Finn- Thanks for commenting on this! The amount of flying and traveling you’ve done is amazing!
I always wondered about these stats. What about the people flying and working these long-haul flights? Surely pilots and FA’s have logged the most miles strictly by the numbers.
in answer to your question Pilots and cabin crew get legal rest and don’t fly every day, the average international long haul pilot maybe clocks up 17000 hours in his career a retiring KLM captain told me, if you do the math’s my time in the air is close to double this.
Hope this helps thanks for reading