The day before Thanksgiving is one of the busiest travel days of the year. This past Wednesday, it was also the day that a 94-year-old man was caught at the airport with a loaded gun.
The incident took place close to home, at LaGuardia Airport.
The man walked through security with the gun strapped to his belt “which set off the metal detector” according to the NY Daily News.
He had a permit for his gun and was not arrested. I was a bit surprised by that and the fact that he was actually allowed to continue on and board his flight to West Palm Beach, Florida.
The gun (which was loaded with six bullets) was confiscated by the TSA. According to the Daily News he will have to appear at a hearing when he returns.
Pretty crazy stuff…
Find out more from the New York Daily News here.
Anyone who carries a loaded firearm through security should automatically and instantly go on the no-fly list. A future hearing should be for considering the particulars of the case which could include anything from removal from the no-fly list to criminal charges. Local authorities should revoke any permits or licenses as well, again with a future hearing to consider the particulars of the case.