When I first saw the Mutter Museum featured on a television show, I knew that it was a museum that I had to visit. I finally got to go this past summer and was not disappointed…
Photography is not permitted in the museum but I couldn’t resist taking some photos with my phone. The quality is not the best but I am still glad that I can show some of what the museum has to offer.
Dried Head |
The Mutter Museum is located at the College of Physicians.
Dr. Thomas Dent Mutter donated the collection in 1858. It was originally used for medical research and education. The museum has lots of medical oddities, antique medical equipment and other interesting specimens.
Skull Collection |
The museum’s main floor has beautiful wood cabinets full of medical tools, wax molds, skeletons and an extensive skull collection. It was very busy when I visited so it took some time to get close to read the info in the cabinets.
Chang & Eng |
The museum has a plaster cast of famous siamese twins Chang & Eng. Below the plaster cast (very hard to see in my picture) is a jar with their attached liver in it.
Soap Lady |
One exhibit that I had to go back to visit a few times was of the Soap Lady. The lady died in the 19th century of yellow fever. She was buried in soil with some chemicals that turned her body into a soapy substance also called grave wax.
Here are a couple of other interesting photos that I took during my visit.
If you want to visit the Mutter Museum, find out more here.