A few months back I joined the Meetup group for New York Travel Massive.
For those of you that don’t know (I assume most don’t)-
Travel Massive is a global initiative to connect people in the travel industry locally, bringing together travel brands, travel startups, travel bloggers and professionals.
Travel Massive events seem to take place one per month in locations around NYC. Each event has a sponsor or two and there has been prizes at each event given away. To enter the giveaways, you usually need to Tweet a message or answer a question on Twitter.
Last night I attended my third Travel Massive event at Madam Tussauds with my brother.
The event was co-sponsored by Merlin Entertainment (owners of Madam Tussauds) and Viator, a site that sells tours and activities all over the world.
The event was very nice and we had a fun time. A private area was set up with some light appetizers and drinks for Travel Massive members to enjoy while chatting with other like- minded individuals. We also had a chance to wander around the museum to check out the wax sculptures on display.
Some of the wax sculptures were so life- like that you had to stop to take another look. Others were definitely not done as well.
Here are some of the celebrities we saw:
Angelina Jolie & Brand Pitt |
Al Roker being sculpted |
Albert Einstein |
NY Met David Wright |
Mikhail Gorbachev |
A few prizes were given out towards the end of the event. Merlin Entertainment gave out two prizes good for four passes at any of their parks located in the U.S. They own sites like Madam Tussauds, Legoland and Sea Life. Viator gave out a couple of credits good for booking tours on their site.
The room quieted down once the prizes were getting ready to be announced.
Merlin Entertainment announced their prize winners first. The first winner was my brother Corey W. He happily accepted his prize. Then they announced the second winner- Michael W. of Michael W Travels! As I walked up to accept the envelope I started laughing. What were the odds of my brother and I both winning these prizes? There had to be around 200 people in the room!
I plan to put the passes to good use. Although Lucas is a bit young for it, a trip to Legoland might be in the works for the near future!
I want to thank Travel Massive for putting together such a nice event and thanks to Viator and Merlin Entertainment for sponsoring.