Don’t forget to check out the FoundIt! Giveaway at the end of the post!
Around a year ago I bought a Track It Back sticker to count as a hit towards the US Airways Grand Slam. The idea of the sticker is to place it on valuables- camera, passport, luggage tag and if you lose something hopefully the person that finds it will see the Track It Back sticker and use it to get in touch with the owner.
I never ended up using my sticker and did not care much since the intended purpose was for that Grand Slam hit. About 6 months back I read that Track It Back went out of business, making my stickers completely worthless.
I figured that it was worth a shot and I planned to follow up on this offer when I got home .
I left a comment on the Deals We Like post regarding this.
A couple of days later I received an e-mail from
FoundIt!, another site offering a similar service to Track It Back. They had seen my comment on the Deals We Like post and felt that their product would be great for me due to all of the travel that I do. They offered me a membership to try out the service.
I decided to look into FoundIt!. I first read over their site and then watched a short video from a trade show. The product looked pretty solid and worth trying out. I let FoundIt! know that I would take them up on their offer and try the product out. I had nothing to lose (unless a lost item with a FoundIt! tag did not get returned to me!)
When I got home from Southeast Asia my FoundIt! package was waiting for me. My packet came with one luggage tag, three key (or bag) tags and a sheet of stickers.
Stickers & Tags (FoudIt! press photo)
Here is a quick explanation of how FoundIt! works:
- When you sign up for FoundIt! you provide your cell phone # and e-mail address
- Place your tags/ stickers on items
- If you lose an item and it’s found, the “finder” reports the lost item to the FoundIt! system (they can report it by texting or through the FoundIt! website)
- You receive text & e-mail FoundIt! alerts
- You connect with finder to work out getting your stuff back
The service sounds simple and easy to use. I just wonder if people will a) pay any attention to the FoundIt! tags and stickers and b) be kind enough to return lost items???
To find out these answers I plan to run a test. I am going to “lose” a few items that I’ve placed tags on and see what happens. So far my list includes a set of keys, some sort of old electronic device (maybe a camera) and one other item that I have yet to determine. I think that the keys have a good shot at being returned since they have no real value to the finder. I don’t have high hopes that an electronic device will be returned. Suggestions for another item to “lose” are welcome!
Keep reading to find out what happens! And now for the giveaway…
FoundIt! Giveaway:
The kind folks over at FoundIt! were nice enough to offer me the opportunity to try out their product. They also wanted to let one of my readers try it out with a one year membership!
The FoundIt! Membership Includes:
- One year membership to FoundIt! network
- 38 stickers which include- 4 glasses stickers, 4 plastic tags (keychain, bag tags and a luggage tag)
There are multiple ways to enter my contest. Just check out the widget below!
(For entries to count, you must enter through the widget)
Contest ends on 12:01am EST on 10/8/12
a Rafflecopter giveaway